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“TVS Group Explores Equity Participation in the Latest Venture of Star Health Founder”

Major solar flares often coincide with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), propelling massive clouds of solar plasma into space at incredible speeds. While CMEs causing Earth blackouts are rare, they possess the potential for months-long disruptions, costing billions of dollars in damages and endangering satellites. In this case, there are indications that a CME is linked…

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“WHO urges member states to continue with ’strong surveillance’amid rising respiratory diseases-JN.1 subvariant”

Amidst the rise in respiratory diseases and the emergence of the new JN.1 COVID sub-variant, the World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized the dynamic nature of the virus. The organization has urged member states to maintain robust surveillance and share sequencing information. In an effort to elucidate the recent surges and offer preventive measures, the…

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