The year 2023 unfolded against a backdrop marred by the persistent emergence of substandard drugs, casting a shadow over India’s pharmaceutical landscape. However, amid these challenges, the Indian government stood as a bulwark of proactive measures, initiating a resolute campaign to fortify regulations and elevate drug standards, ensuring the nation’s pharmaceutical integrity.
The alarming issues…
A Surge in Active Cases:As of the latest update from the Union Health Ministry, India witnessed a surge in active COVID-19 cases, reaching a tally of 3,000 on a recent Friday.
Beware of growing portion sizes. Opt for smaller plates, pack snacks in smaller bags, and share or save restaurant meals.
In a world increasingly cognizant of the adverse effects of smoking, one often overlooked aspect is the correlation between smoking and male infertility. Despite being less discussed, this connection is crucial for comprehending and addressing a significant public health concern. Reports indicate that 35% of couples struggle with conception due to male infertility, affecting approximately…
The relentless battle against cancer has been a longstanding challenge for the medical community, marked by significant strides in treatment modalities.
It also includes guidance, moral support, and the crafting of a mindset that will stand strong against failures. Through understanding, patience, and strategies, fathers play an essential role in shaping their child’s academic journey. This way they can turn the scary obstacles into transformative learning experiences.
Hyderabad’s public health department swiftly responded to reports of a novel Covid variant, JN.1, emerging in Kerala. As of Tuesday, officials assured the public that there is no evidence of a sudden spike in new Covid-positive cases in Telangana.
In a heartwarming display of medical expertise and human generosity, a life-changing heart transplant procedure was successfully carried out on an 11-year-old girl at the Sri Padamavati Children’s Heart Center in Tirupati.
“Interconnected Health: The Link Between Spousal Blood Pressure and Shared Lifestyles”In a recent survey spanning four countries and involving middle-aged and older heterosexual couples….